Exciting new showroom on its way….

Here at Floor Factory it has been a busy few months, with many changes under way in store.
Our first big change was to extend through into the unit behind us to create over 4,000 square feet of showroom space. This has allowed us to expand our range, and create a separate entrance for deliveries and customer collections.
Even though work is still ongoing, our customers have given us such positive feedback, particularly about the spacious feel and the fact that you can now truly appreciate the massive range of floorings available in store.

As you can see, we still have showroom flooring to install and decor to complete, but we aim to be ‘showroom ready’ in the next month or two. In the meantime, please bear with us while things are not as tidy as we’d like.
We have lots more to come and exciting announcements to make. So watch this space for more updates and news as we move our business forward into 2016!